Last Sunday!!!
So to set up this story: We tried to visit the P______ family like almost every
week of our fist transfer here and we were never able to find them. But one day
like three weeks ago we had an 8:30 miracle, which is when at 8:30 you decide
to try one more family, one more house, or talk to one more person instead of
going home. Its 8:30 we don't know what to do but we don't feel like going home
yet so we are sitting in the car and thinking trying to figure out what to do
and suddenly we get the idea to go try this family one more time. So we head on
over and we get there and guess what happens!!!! Hermano P opens the door and
lets us in. He is actually a really cool guy. He is a priesthood holder, he
loves his family, and he has even been to like five temple dedications!! He
just hasn't been to church in like years because he got a job and he works
every Sunday. He's just a cool guy and it was nice while we were there because
when he heard how new I was he did his best to focus on me and ask me questions
so that I could practice my Spanish. But it was like 9:10 and like the latest
we can be home is 9:30 so we pulled out Nefi 3:7 and shared with him an experience
that Elder C. had about the Lord providing a way for us to keep the commandments,
this one focusing on going to church, and then we left. And we just felt good
that we had been able to find and meet this guy but we weren't feeling very
good at the same time because we didn't know if we had actually done anything
to help him. But two weeks went by and we are at the church greeting people and
suddenly I'm shaking hands with Hermano P!!!! Elder C. and I were SHOCKED!!!!
He hasn't been to church in years and then he is there with his 2 kids. We
asked what had changed and how he had managed to get the day off. He told us
that after we had shared Nefi 3:7 he experienced a great change in his heart
and that he decided he was going to actually do something about the work
situation instead of just pray about it and hope something happened. So he went
to his boss and said he didn't want to work Sundays anymore, I’m sure he said
it differently to his boss but this is what he told us, and then he got a call
2 days later and his boss fired him. At this point we are like feeling awful
because we lost this man his job and we start to like apologize and he stops us
and says there is more to the story. He said after the call he had felt worried
but that in an instant he suddenly felt peaceful and he knew that everything
would be ok and that this was good because it meant he could be where the Lord
wanted him and so that’s where he was. He was at Church. It was super cool. I
wish I had that kind of faith!!!
Our days seem to be filled with a
lot of driving and not a lot of like teaching. I’ll talk to Elder C. about that
so we can work to fix it. Our investigator Juan is coming to church every Sunday
and is singing in choir and he plays volleyball with us on Tuesday nights and
he is just super solid and it’s awesome!!! It’s not a question of if he gets
baptized it’s when he gets baptized. Which might be a while because it’s been
hard to have lessons with him cause of his work schedule. But we are going to
keep trying.
Wednesday we were driving home from
dinner and we called C., the youth in our ward who we are trying to prepare for
a mission and find out he is at the bus stop so we are close and we go pick him
up and take him home and we teach him the Restoration and it’s in English so it’s
like the first lesson I can really participate in because I know how to express
these concepts in English but it was really good and C. was grateful. He is
such a cool kid.
Also one of the less actives we have
been working with, M., has been doing a lot better since we have been going
over so often to read The Book of Mormon with him. He seems more alive. He comments
a lot and he reads louder and talks louder and he just isn't the same man we
met that first or second week we were out here. It’s totally awesome. He even
said on Saturday when we last saw him that I could read in Spanish better then
he could!!! And asked how I was getting so good and I said, "pues.
practicamos mucho. cada dia leimos de El Libro de Mormon durante nuestro
estudio de idioma". (well. we practice a lot. every day we read from the
Book Of Mormon during our language study) and we told him that he would get
better and better to as he read more and more.
It rained on Thursday!!!!! It was
soooooooooo awesome!!! Nothing serious. But it was good. We got to wear our
Saturday was Hermana D. Birthday. So
we made her a cake. (I lost the pictures but I’ll try to get some of the ones
the sisters took so that you can see it.) But we made it to look like the
Mexico City Temple and like it was pretty lame but we tried and Hermana D.
loved it so it doesn't really matter. I even made a little paper Angel Moroni
to go on top!! It was sooo cool!!!!
Soooo Special Shout Out to my
Dad!!!! It’s his birthday today he is now... I'll just say old. I'm just
kidding!! He's only 47. Not that old at all!!!! But thank you dad for
supporting me and helping me get ready for my mission and teaching me and for
everything you have done to help me get here and keep me alive. You’re the best
dad ever and I hope someday I can be as good of a father as you are!!!!
Well that’s it for this week!!!
The Church is true and this Gospel
is Amazing!!!! I'm so glad to be a missionary during this great hastening!!!
Its sooooo awesome!!!
Well with that..
Love you all!!! Your the coolest!!!
Write me letters!!!
Elder Zachary Gore :)