So this week has been awesome!! Not because
we had tons of lessons. But just because of the Spirit and the progress I have
seen in myself. Over the last week I have been companions with Elder Barrus. He
is the bomb! We have been working down in Mecca. Which is kind of like Mexico.
We were asking around and we figured out that there are basically 5 white
people there. 3 of them part of a family that we haven't found yet and the
other 2 are Elder Barrus and I. It’s pretty sweet. We have been spending a lot
of time working down there and have been having great success. But for the main
things about the week. My confidence has increased greatly. I feel more
comfortable talking to people and teaching. I don't know a lot but I can say
the important simple truths and because I speak slow people have to pay
attention more. Elder Barrus says because of that I am a more powerful teacher
then he is but I don't believe him!
One of the coolest things I think I've ever
experienced was this last Saturday and Sunday. We had Stake Conference1
and the missionaries went to 2 sessions of it. In the Saturday night session our
stake president stressed the importance of missionary work. As part of that he
told us that he had been fasting and praying for the stake to find a name
during the last week or next or during the conference that they could share the
gospel with. It’s interesting because I had a revelation during my personal
study that morning about a family member that I needed to help and try to share
the gospel with. He then asked that everyone write down that name and then
during the next week look for the opportunity to share the gospel with them. He
asked that everyone pray to have the hearts of their people softened and then
he made a promise to the stake. He promised that if they participated whole
heartedly in the work of sharing the gospel. to do temple work for the dead,
work to bring someone to the gospel, just do whatever we were able to do. He
promised that in return that any problem
that is vexing you will be solved. The Lord would solve it no matter what it was.
blew our minds. The Spirit was so strong during that meeting. and I realized
that I might be the only person who could help this family member and it’s only
because I'm on a mission right now.
Sunday we had a big session and we had a broadcast from Salt Lake and the
General Relief Society President spoke and a member of the Seventy2
and Elder Anderson3 and President Eyring4. President
Erying's talk is the one that hit me the hardest. In it he talked of his
grandfather teaching him about his responsibility to help his family come to
the gospel and how basically that was the last thing his grandfather ever told
him before he passed away. And basically his whole entire talk was based around
that one principle. We are responsible for our family. We are expected, by
our Heavenly Father, to do all we can to help our family receive the
restored gospel. Whether it’s actually helping family join the church in
life or doing the work for our ancestors who are gone. It is the same
Then that night we had a super cool
experience with the B______ family. We went in and we just hung out for a while
because there were a couple people we didn't recognize and so we decided to
just talk for a bit and have some fun with them and get to know them better. I picked
up the uke they had at their house and I played some tunes for them. Then the older son, because we found out that
these new people were the oldest children in this family. I guess they were a little less active and had
some doubts and questions. But they asked about where in the Bible it talks
about God and Jesus being seen and having bodies of flesh and bone. Elder
Barrus started flipping through and I sat for a second and then Steven popped
into my head. Steven who joined the church and then was stoned. He saw a vision
as he died and he saw God the Father and at his right hand stood Jesus
Christ. So I flipped to the story in Acts. (Chapter 6 I think verses 54-55) It’s
in acts 6 so look it up. But it is Biblical proof that God and Christ have bodies
like ours. Only they are perfect and ours aren't and when I read it to him he
was just like wow. That's perfect. That's exactly what I needed and I'm just
like Yes!!!! way to go Spiritual Promptings. After that the father of the
family bore to us his testimony of the power of prayer and of the scriptures.
Basically if you have a question. Ask for help from Heavenly Father and then
turn to scripture and God will guide you to your answer. And basically it was
one of the most Spirit led lessons I've ever been in and It was amazing!! We
found out just before we left that the family wasn't usually home all together
and we caught them at the perfect time. It was just an amazing witness to me of
the Lord using us and Guiding us to do His work.
the day has finally come! I'm being transferred to a new area. I'm leaving the
south and going about 30 mins north to Yucaipa. So I’ll still be in the desert
but I'm going to have a new native companion. His name is Elder Renovato.
ren-o-va-to. "ren" like 'pen'. "va" like 'ha' when you
laugh and "to" like 'toe'. He speaks English but he prefers Spanish
so I'm going to be learning a lot of Spanish really, really fast. It’s also super exciting cause my MTC
companion. Elder Moore. Is being transferred into the same ward and we are
going to be in the same apartment!!! I'm sooooo excited! It’s going to be
awesome!! Even though it will be sad. I'm really going to miss this ward and
the members and my companions. :/ huh. Oh well. It'll all be good in the end
and we have a mission conference coming up and an apostle and a member of the
seventy are going to come talk to us. so I'll be able to see everyone then :)
that's my week people of the world!
know this Church is True! I know this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know
that Joseph Smith saw God, Our Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, our Savior,
and that he was called by them to Restore the Gospel and Christ's
Church to the Earth. I know that by the Power and Authority of God Joseph
Smith Translated the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ from a
historical and religious record written by Prophets who lived on the American
continent. And I know that the Book of Mormon has Power. And that those who
read it will receive a confirmation from God through the Holy Spirit that it is
a True book. It is My FAVORITE Book. I read it ever day. I feel the
power of it in my life and I challenge all who have not read it to get a copy.
and read it and ponder it and ask in Prayer if it is not of God. I know You Will
receive an answer if you Sincerely want to know the Truth. I love this Church
and Gospel. I love being a Missionary. and I know that the things I have said
are True.
hope everyone has a terrific week and Is able to share and help others!
love you all and miss you all,
Zachary Gore!
1 - Stake conference - Stakes are five or
more congregations. A conference is held
twice a year for all members of that stake.
There is a Saturday evening meeting for all adults and a Sunday morning
meeting for everyone.
3 - Elder Anderson -
4 -
President Eyring -