week has been good. A little tough but good. Mostly just because well everyone
has gone on vacation so nobody is home and nobody is outside. Except for kids
going to the pool. But other than that it’s been a little rough. But we were
able to have some good lessons. One of these was with our less active/recent
convert B. He is like the coolest kid.
He just won’t wake up to go to church. He wants to go he likes it. He just has
no support and he doesn't wake up to his alarm clock. So we are trying to
figure out how to help him. But we taught him and helped him memorize the First
Vision in Spanish. Next we might go with it in English. But we are basically
training him for his mission. It’s a lot of fun :)
also had a donut party after finishing weekly planning. It’s really good stuff,
weekly planning, but it takes a long time so we got some donuts. Woo Hoo!!!! 
eso (after that) We got a picture of Ismael and we put it on a flier that is an
invitation to his baptism. It says basically I want you to come to my baptism. It’s
really fun and it’s been a hit. Everyone thinks it’s adorable. We are so excited for him! Woo Hoo!
also took Israel out with us yesterday and had with us for studies, and
lunch, and dinner and until 9. It was sweet and a lot of fun to have him with
also had interviews with president this last week. Mine was like 5 mins long.
Which I'm ok with, I'd also be ok if they were longer. I just don't have any
questions or anything. I'm not trying to hold some record. I just don't really
have much to say. I'm just trying to work, and learn, teach, and be obedient.
well that was about the week. Nothing much happened. Oh!!!! But I have some
cool pictures on the bikes and stuff!
ride no hands and standing sometimes. So
we thought we'd just take some fun pictures of that.
Hermano Chang and I had a race across the gym
on the mops. We stood on them and then
scooted our way across. It was intense and crazy and fun. I won but it was
good. This happened after we cleaned up the baptism/wedding that the other
elders had. I forgot to take pictures.
yeah that's about been my week. Oh fun fact. It got to over 100 degrees
outside. I mean it might have done that before. But we didn't know until like Thursday
when someone told us it was 104. I was like hmmm. Weird it doesn't feel that
hot at all.
that's all I got for this week! I hope everyone has a good week and lots of fun
on your break! Hey people! Please write me back if I've written you >.< I
never get mail and it’s hard to respond when you have nothing to go on.
the best! I know this Church True. God Lives! He Loves Us and wants us to be
happy! I know the Book of Mormon is True. I read it every day and I always
learn something new and feel the Holy Spirit testifying to me that its true. I
invite everyone to read it. Whether member or non-member and take the Challenge
in Moroni Chapter 10 verses 3-5. To read it, ponder it, meditate on it, and
pray to God, our Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, to know if it’s
true. Because God won’t lie to us. And if we really desire to know and are
willing to change everything then the Lord will send the Holy Ghost to testify
to us that it is true. You will feel peace, happiness, joy, calm, maybe warmth.
This is how the spirit speaks to us.
a wonderful week!!!
Zachary Gore