Month 1 or Week 4 in the Field!!!
this week has been a lot better!!!
so last Monday we went and played Rugby for Zone Sports1. I didn't
die!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
we decided to go to a park and we were walking around, I was trying to learn
the 10 Commandments in Spanish. We have
this fun activity we do where we use our hands and signs to remember what they
all are. It’s pretty cool!!! Anyway we
couldn't remember a word and we were trying to figure it out, an older
gentleman heard us and told us the word we were looking for. We said thank you and
ended up spending close to an hour talking to him. Well, Elder Cebreros talked
to him, I mostly just listened but yeah. He believes in Science and in personal
perception as being the only truth and reality. It was weird but we had a
"positive" experience anyway. He was polite and seemed to enjoy the
discussion we had so that was good. :)
We had a lesson with our investigator J. and his family. His son is a member
but his other adult children aren't. It was really cool. We taught him how to
use the scriptures. Like the cross references and stuff and then taught him how
to pray. While teaching him how to pray one of his daughters was like Hey! I
want to learn too. So we taught her and she blessed dinner which they fed us
making it a double dinner night but it was so worth it.
is sooooo good down here!!! So guess
what. I like beans. Lettuce I’m still working on actually enjoying. But Beans.
Beans are good. So is Cookies and Cream ice cream. Dang have I been missing
that night we stopped by a home and were almost mauled by 3 dogs. I was only
worried about one of them. He must have been 100 lbs. He was massive. The other
2 dogs were Chihuahuas and so I wasn't worried. Suffice it to say we doubted
anyone in the house could hear the door bell over all the barking :/ soooo no
and I got a package from my mom and it was awesome!!!! Thank you sooo much!!!
nothing happened Wednesday cause the date doesn't exist in my journal :/
We had interviews with President Van Cott. Mine was short but that’s
because I’ve only been out a month now and I don’t really see a lot of the
problems that the others see or have.
taught a lesson with a less active family and we used the hand signs for the 10
commandments. And I actually taught!!!! Well a little but still!! I taught :)
it was sooooo awesome!!
then we met this guy at the gas station. It was weird but cool. He asked if we
were getting paid and we were like nope not really we are missionaries and he
goes well then yeah you are. And Elder Cebreros says yeah with Blessings I
guess and this guy was like for example you wake up in the morning and you’re
still breathing. That’s getting paid. You have enough food to eat for the day. That’s
also getting paid. It was an interesting way to put it. I wish we could have
talked to him more but it was getting late and we had to go home.
Friday was good. We got up worked out like we do every morning which is hard because
my body doesn't like morning work outs. But I deal with it. We did one minute
drills for Comp Study2 and I had to teach the Restoration in a
minute or less. My first time was 2 and a half mins. But my second was a minute
and a half. So I just have a little more to simplify for that last 30 seconds.
had a lesson with another less active and it was sweet!!! We taught about the
importance of church attendance and I taught some more again and I bore my testimony
and it was sick!!!!
had dinner and I ate 7 tacos. I don’t understand this. I'm eating more then I
have ever eaten in my life and I’m always hungry but I managed to keep losing
weight :/ I weighed 142 lbs on Friday. I weigh 140 today. I don’t want to lose I
just don’t want to put on an extra 30 lbs. huh. Oh well.
Saturday not much happened. Elder M. thought he had pink eye. But I
think he ended up not having it but he was home all day and it was kind of
weird because normally they leave 2 hours before us because of all the studies4
they don’t have. But he's better now :)
went and visited another less active and we spent 45 mins talking to the
teenage daughter. She graduated from high
school the same time I did, she coaches tennis so it’s really hard to see her
or her family. It was a good visit. We found out a lot about their conversion
story and about the family.
visited a part member family and taught the commandment lesson to their little
kids. It took an hour but we did it.
was pretty sweet!!! We had 2 of the less actives we are working with show
up to church which was freaking sweet!!!! Then we almost died that night on our
way home cause some guy got impatient and almost side swiped the car. He was in
an SUV and we were in our Corolla. Luckily we didn't die and so we still get to
keep working.
that’s it for the week. Have to go and do actual missionary work now. We have a
lesson in a little bit.
I’ll talk to you all next week!!!
hope you like this note!!!
love you all!!!
Zachary Gore

Their zone got
together to play a sport together. A district is 6 or 8 missionaries. A zone is made up of 3 or 4 districts.
Comp Study = (Companion
Study) – Missionaries prepare what they plan to teach that day and practice
teaching with each other.
Extra studies - Each morning they have personal study time
from 8-9, companion study from 9-11, and
language study 11-12.