mom. So this week was pretty good!
came to church and she is getting ready for her baptism on the 20 of September.
Her and Gabriel will be getting baptized together! So that was really sweet!
then that. We had Zone Conference on Friday and our president was really
focusing on how to help the members do missionary work. And what we have been
taught is about preparing the people. Which starts by the members just going
and being friends. Not bringing up the gospel, not inviting them maybe to an
activity. Just being a friend. Getting to know the people that are around
you so that at some point, when you feel the prompting of the spirit you can
share something, or invite them to something and they will accept. We have been
taught how to do this and I'll let you know how it goes probably next week when
we have had a chance to do it with the members.
B has decided that soccer is more
important then church and has joined a soccer league that practices Wednesday
Nights (same as mutual) and the games are on Sundays at 10 (Church starts
a t 9). So we had a lesson with him and well we have basically lost him. He
doesn't get much support from others so he has basically gotten lost. Its
really sad :(

about to get cut off! I hope you hope you all have the great week!
love you guys!!
Zachary Gore!!