So to start off. I'm getting Transferred!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!
Going to San Bernardino!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! I'm not sure who my new companion is
but it'll be fun I think. I'm leaving today at 3:40. I'm not sure why. It
probably has to do with the big group of missionaries that are all heading
home. But yeah. It'll be sweet :)
So we had a really sweet day this week. On Saturday Elder Baer and I went on
exchanges! It was really fun! We taught a lot of lessons and had a couple of
miracles. To start we went to go and try to contact someone who ended up not
being home but his daughter before we left offered us some water and right
after we left the house we stopped and started talking to a kid walking on the
road. And it was really, really hot. And so we gave him one of our water
bottles. He seemed really grateful! Later that day we tried to go visit Hermano
Pelayo, one of our less actives, and he didn't answer the door and just as we
were about to leave one of our investigators pulled up in a car next to us with
her daughter Lupita and asked if we wanted some water.(We had drank all of
our water at this point) and we said yeah and so they gave us a bag and it had
4 ice water bottles in it and bananas, and cuties, and a peach! It was CRAZY!!!
It almost seemed like they had come out looking for us! It was super cool! And
a great testimony to me that the Lord knows who we are going to see(the kid
walking in the sun) and He knows our needs and situations(We were going to die
from thirst(Not really but you know haha))
week has been pretty normal other than that haha. We had some good lessons with
our investigators! Johana and Gabriel are still on track for their Baptisms on
the 20th of August! Johana said she was gonna miss me because she's not going
to have anyone else to "Reganar" haha. I'm gonna miss them a lot :(
I'm also going to miss Brayan! That crazy little kid! He said soccer was more
important than church but he has been to church every Sunday and at mutual
every week. I think he is getting some divine help so he can do what he is
supposed to.
so for the fun thing we did today!!! So president has given us permission to go
on "excursions". Which are basically trips to go and do all the fun
stuff that are within the mission boundaries. So this morning what we did was
we went to the Tram up to the top of the San Jacinto Mountains! It was super
cool! They put you inside of a tram car and take you 6000 ft up into the air in
about 15 minutes! Then you can take pictures from the mountains and go walk on
trails and do all that fun stuff! So that's what those pictures are from!
yeah! and so there is also a picture of me riding my bike with 3 boxes on the
back. Those are on the way! I had some stuff I needed to send home!
that's my email for today! I'm going to miss everyone here in Beaumont!!! Los
Rodriguez, Los Lizama, Pueyo, Peralta, Ferral, Silva, and everyone else!!! I
hope to see you all again!
Luego for now!!!
Zachary Gore!