Alright so this week
has been crazy!!!! Just crazy intense!! We taught over 30 lessons this week.
Which may not seem like a lot but I've never been over 23 lessons in a week so
this is pretty impressive. Not because of me. But we are being more obedient
and talking to everyone. I've always had a problem talking to people partially
because well my last 2 companions weren't very good at it and didn't like
it so like we never talked to anyone. Which now that I think about it how
did we ever get new investigators? oh well. But Elder M is a boss at talking to
people and so I've had to really step it up and get going. I'm not comfortable
with it but I'm getting comfortable with the uncomfortableness of just stopping
next to people and talking to them on the side of the road.
We have been working
hard and teaching everyone we see. Basically if we stop and say hi and they
stop and talk to us and if we feel prompted we pull out a restoration pamphlet
and begin teaching. It has been very successful. After we teach we ask if we
could stop by and talk to them more. They feel the spirit and they almost
always say yes so we send the addresses those who speak English as
referrals to the English missionaries and we follow up with the people that
speak Spanish. It has been totally awesome how many prepared people we have
found. We have sent about 8 people to the English missionaries and we found 5
new investigators this week!
Ismael is a total
boss! We had a lesson with him this last week and taught him about the Word of
Wisdom (which to anyone who doesn't know. The Word of Wisdom is a
health guide to help keep our bodies physically and spiritually clean and
health. It involves eating healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains,
and meat sparingly (sparingly mostly meaning when you have meat it’s
accompanied by other healthy foods) and it warns against the use of Tea,
Coffee, Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illegal Drugs and Addictive Substances. Because
well those are bad for our body and we feel better and are stronger and
healthier without them.) and the Law of Chastity(which is a
commandment from God that deals with abstinence from sexual relationships before
marriage). And the lesson was awesome and he had been having some doubts
about baptism. Mostly because he wanted to be sure that he was ready. That he
knew enough. And we promised him that if he prayed that he would receive his
answer and that maybe he wouldn't be totally sure before his baptism but we
told him that after his baptism and after he is confirmed and receives the
gift of the Holy Ghost he would have a greater capacity to understand and that
he would know it was the right thing to do. And well He prayed and we asked him
about it and he said he was praying and he asked if it was the right thing to
do and he says he heard a voice. And that voice told him that he should be
baptized. So he is 100% set on doing this. We are so excited for him!
Other than that we
have found Alex, Jessie, Jerry, Alejo, and Manny this last week. We don't know
tons about them but we have return appointments for this week. So we hope to be
able to tell you more later!!!
We are starting to see
miracles in the mission. People who are prepared are being put in our path so
we can find them and I know they can be put in your paths too if you pray and
ask to be blessed with experiences to share the Gospel. I can feel and see
my ability to teach, my ability to speak Spanish, and my receptiveness to
promptings of the Spirit increase little by little every day. This last week
has been awesome! And I can't wait to see the improvements during this week!
I hope everyone is
doing good and having a great summer vacation!!!!
Love you all!!!!
Elder Zachary Gore!