for this week the only highlights/low lights are our lesson with G., L. and C.
So with G. we brought a brother with us and well the lesson went really rough.
The brother was just trying to make conversation with our investigator and well
G. flipped out at him and it was just awkward because then she told Elder
Twitchell that she didn't understand anything he was saying so I had to teach
like everything. Ugh. It was just hard and uncomfortable because of the
tension. :/
dropped us :( We had a lesson with him and we watched the Restoration Video
with him and afterwards he was like woo that was intense and so we invited him
to pray to ask God if Joseph Smith was a prophet and he said no... Then he told
us that he had a lot of stuff going on and didn't have time to get into the
church and stuff. We tried to explain but to no avail. So we are going to leave
him alone a while.
C. went really good. We have been trying to visit C. for a long time and we
always got him at a bad time. But we caught him and we did How To Begin
Teaching and it went super good and he is super interested. We have another
appointment for Sunday. So we'll see how it goes.
a kid named E. moved into the ward. He
is 19, from Columbia, and is a member
and doesn't do anything. Doesn't work,
no family, or friends to hang with. So we are going to take him out with us all
the time. and teach him English haha He is a super cool guy. So we are excited
to have him to help us!
then that. My week has been about the same. My companions’ bike broke so we are
walking but hopefully we can get it fixed tonight! That's been about the week
though! Sorry about the few pictures. I'll see what I can do this week!
hope everyone has a great day and week!
love yall!
Zachary Gore